Finding inspiration in the familiar

Finding inspiration in the familiar

When we encounter something that is new or different, it can challenge our assumptions and open our minds to new possibilities.

A creative block is something I believe most, if not all, creatives have faced at some point. I know I have, a lot. But there have always been points in time where I feel like I have been showered with the wave of inspiration I had been waiting for to get on with my work.

It got me thinking — why now? Why was this wave of inspiration hiding all this time? What woke it up?

I'd like to take a step back and dwell deeper into how I thought inspiration would come. Let me know if this sounds familiar.

I start pushing my brain to remember all of the work i've found inspiring at some point, alas, I never remember what it was, and if I do remember, it's in the vaguest of details.

I start firing up tabs on my browser hoping something will inspire me along the way, alas, nothing ever does.

It's a constant battle of trying to brute force my way to the land of the promised.

Now i'd like to dwell deeper into times where inspiration has hit me in the most unexpected of ways — while working. It's true. I've found that the times where I felt inspired were often as a result of just…working.

It almost feels like the more I try to not be inspired, the more I am.

based in alexandria — working worldwide ✺

14 Saturday

11:56 AM

based in alexandria — working worldwide ✺

14 Saturday

11:56 AM